Data Scientist yearning to apply data science and machine learning
to improve the world through technology.

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My Journey Through Data Science & AI

My background in Psychology provided me with the understanding of human behavior, cognition and emotion. It also imparted to me the importance of rigorous data collection and analysis, which underlie the foundation of any good machine learning models.
Through my work as a researcher and data scientist, I was exposed to big and diverse datasets, which required careful cleaning and detailed exploration to gain deep understandings and insights. It also provided me the opportunity to apply machine learning techniques to understand more about sleep, physical activity and health.
Recently, I am learning and building end-to-end MLOps workflow by using a variety of tools such as MLflow, AWS SageMaker, and GCP Vertex AI. As more organizations incorporate machine learning into their business, it becomes even more essential to have automated pipelines and workflows, with CI/CD/CM that take over the traditional manual way of handling machine learning projects.